Download project analytics today in your CurseForge dashboard!
Starting today, you have access to download statistics for your CurseForge projects on both the Twitch Desktop app and mods made available on the CurseForge listing page. Download statistics are a critical component to the overall engagement with your project. Using these stats, you can track them against releases or improvements you make.
To access project analytics, visit your CurseForge dashboard. Any approved projects available on CurseForge will have a green download button under the analytics column. The .csv generated provides daily stats on your project. For more information, see the Mod Analytics documentation here.
Thanks for being a member of our community, and we hope you enjoy access to project analytics!
In reply to ljfa:
In reply to Clownvin:
In reply to darkguardsman:
In reply to The_PC_Tech_Guy:
In reply to ljfa:
i would love to have this in an api format.
In reply to DenBukki:
Nice start, can we also get older data? I would love to see how my current progress compares against last year. Also can we get page visits added to this data instead of just downloads. I would like to see how well my traffic looks compared to my downloads. This way I can target improvements to the quality of my info page and images.
In reply to darkguardsman:
In reply to darkguardsman:
In reply to dries007: