Greetings Authors! This is CurseForge Comms for May 5th, 2017!
We have quite a few things for you guys this week, but before we get started I wanted to introduce you to one of our new moderators, Technostar98!
Many of you may have noticed his name popping up either approving or denying your projects and files. He just started this week, and I’m sure you guys will be seeing a lot of him around the communities.
With this new addition to our team, moderation will now have 24 hour coverage for all addons and mods, aside from Bukkit which requires special training. Store order audit times remain unchanged. This new moderation schedule starts May 14th, 2017!
Just as a refresher for Store Orders and Bukkit plugins: moderation times are Mon-Sun, 8am - 11:59pm Pacific. Anytime there is going to be exceptionally long moderation/audit times, we do our best to notify everyone via our Twitter @CurseForge.
With introductions and refreshers out of the way, let’s get onto this week’s changelog!
Fixed and Released
- icon no longer sends you to (Mods)
- “Primary GameLanguage” now set for existing games (All)
- Added ability to update file information via API - docs (Look for the Update File section) (All)
- Hardened Project File Uploader (All)
- More removal of “Premium” verbiage, you’re all Premium now! (All)
- Now correctly blocking child files from having child files (All)
- Found the missing Favicon on WoW.CF (WoW)
- Localization Processor Fixes (WoW)
- Most of these apply to Localization Substitutions in files.
- Subtables now work in file replacements
- Concat now works in file replacements
- Rewrote localization system to handle multiple namespaces. This means that when you do not specify a namespace it will output them all (Like previously behavior)
- Export Page updated to allow users to export subtables
- Escape non-ASCII characters now respected in file replacements
- Set value to true if equals to key now respected in file replacements
- Codebase unified with exporter codebase to prevent the two from continuing to diverge when we fix localization issues/add features.
From last Comms, now released
- Server Pack Integration/Support on CurseForge (Minecraft)
As a final note, our developers will be out of town starting next Monday and won’t be back in until the following week. We still have availability for emergency bug fixes, but will be short on feature updates until they return.
That’s the roundup for this week, as always if you have any ideas or suggestions, drop them down below.
Your friendly neighborhood MrFlamegoat
The localization processor used to export
{ ["Some key"] = "Some value" }
when using@localization(locale="enUS", format="lua_table")@
, as indicated in the documentation linked in this post. But now it actually exportL = { ["Some key"] = "Some value" }
instead.My locale files were formatted as followed, which worked fine for months:
I would get
But now I get:
The explicit declaration of that table L is messing with the file and now all my locales files in my add-on are invalid and users get a Lua error on launch…
In reply to EllypseCelwe:
In reply to EllypseCelwe:
No explanation of what "Server Pack Integration/Support on CurseForge (Minecraft)" is?
It would be nice to know what it does, How to use it and any extra rules that come with it.
In reply to Claycorp:
For the first iteration, we're just surfacing them on the CurseForge stubs, for instance:
In reply to MrFlamegoat:
I am partly biased on this though as I hate the whole 'Server files' stuff because it could easily be abused and isn't needed if mod devs properly make their mods. People could just include an extra folder in the regular export with all edited server configs if they wanted a separate server version.
In reply to Claycorp:
IMO You guys should be pushing how great the zips are and how easy they are to install from as it would help out more people than offering server zips that require the pack dev to do the extra work. Trust me they got enough crap to deal with. Those zips are information gold in a JSON format.
Seriously, I can show you how great they are as we made our own server back end for minecraft and we use the export zips. It's the best and easiest way to install a server. You will miss a golden opportunity for peoples servers if you keep going with the new system.
Full zips are bad. Since when can you distribute Minecraft jars? Cause it's in big bold letters on the Mojang ToS.
Run scripts are HORRIBLE. They do things they shouldn't.
Please stop the full server zip madness.
Instead I propose you pick one of two alternatives:
In addition to this, allow mods to be marked Client/Server side only in the manifest, because, as Clay pointed out, modders are still unaware they can mark their mods as one-side only, or they don't care.
Third party applications can (and will) do the heavy lifting of making all the zips into instances for the people running Linux server, like they already do.
If you want to support the people running server on windows machines, let your client put together a server-folder/zip with a special button "Export server".
This would eliminate the madness that is trying to figure out what shitty run script a pack maker used, if any, if they renamed the forge jar (Le sign FTB), if the zip is wrapped in a root folder or not, ...
It would also help massively with people trying to update existing server. No more EULA/ file being overwritten, 30MB of libraries that haven't changed in forever, ...
In reply to dries007:
In reply to MrFlamegoat: